Discover ticketless green parking in Sydney and make a difference to the environment.
- No Tickets
- No Touch
- No Queues
- No Cash
- No Credit Card Fees
- Save Time
- Save Environment
101 Goulburn St, Haymarket NSW 2000
Instructions for ZipBy ticketless green parking:
1.Download the free ZipBy app from Apple App Store or Google Play Store. You can also scan QR code below to download.
2.Create and register an account.
3.’Always Allow’ the app to access Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Location, Motion & Fitness, push notifications. (ZipBy only tracks your location when you are close to a ZipBy car park to ‘wake’ up the equipment)
4. You are good to go. Your next parking visit will be ticketless.
Get all day rooftop parking at Goulburn St for only $19.
Park all day in Sydney for only $19 on weekdays.
- No Tickets
- No Touch
- No Queues
- No Cash
- No Credit Card Fees
- Save Time
- Save Environment
101 Goulburn St, Haymarket NSW 2000
Instructions for $19 rooftop parking
1. Download the free ZipBy app from Apple App Store or Google Play Store. You can also scan QR code below to download.
2. Create and register an account.
3. ’Always Allow’ the app to access Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Location, Motion & Fitness, push notifications. (ZipBy only tracks your location when you are close to a ZipBy car park to ‘wake’ up the equipment)
4. You are good to go.
5. Park on rooftop between 6 – 9:30am.
6. Exit between 3-7pm.
7. Validate your parking with QR code located on the rooftop through ZipBy app.